Re: Is _your_ Netscape under remote control

Jeff Uphoff (
Fri, 24 May 1996 16:49:21 -0400

"m" == martinh  <> writes:

m> Anyone else seen this? Netscape 1.1 and higher can be controlled
m> remotely. This can be abused in many ways as Netscape can be made to open
m> URL's add bookmarks, open local files and save local files without
m> informing the user.

m> [...]

m> The problem is that Netscape relies on X for it's protection, it can
m> write files without telling the user, and there are far too many open X
m> displays out there.

If you're xhosting the world then you've opened yourself up for such a
heap of other troubles (keystroke monitoring, etc.) that Netscape might
well be the least of your worries....


Jeff Uphoff - systems/network admin.  |
National Radio Astronomy Observatory  |
Charlottesville, VA, USA              |
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